On behalf of the Jenkins GSoC team and mentors, I would like to welcome Shenyu Zheng, Udara De Silva, Pham Vu Tuan and Abhishek Gautam. They will be working on Google Summer of Code projects in the Jenkins organization, and they have already done some contributions. This year we have the following projects: Code Coverage API Plugin - create a new API Plugin to unify existing Code Coverage plugins and provide new features. Student: Shenyu...
We are happy to announce that Jenkins project has been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2018. This year we invite students and mentors to join the Jenkins community and work together on various initiatives: core, plugins, development tools and infrastructure. Our mentors have already created some project ideas. For example, you are welcome to work on the new Configuration-as-Code initiative or to help creating standard API for Code Coverage...
This year the Jenkins project is interested in participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC). As in 2016/2017, we are looking for mentors. So yes, we are looking for you :) What is GSoC? GSoC is an annual international program which encourages college-aged students to participate with open source projects during the summer break between classes. Students accepted into the program receive a stipend, paid by Google, to work on well-defined projects to...
SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. Visit us at the Jenkins booth!