What better way to kick off the new year, than by returning for an in-person event at one of the most popular open source gatherings of all, FOSDEM! On February 4 & 5, contributors from the Jenkins project and thousands of other open-source enthusiasts traveled from around the world to flock to FOSDEM. Located in Brussels, Belgium, FOSDEM is an opportunity to renew relationships, forge new...
Thanks to our Outreachy interns over the past year, I’m proud to announce the initial release of the Audit Log plugin for Jenkins. This plugin is the first major project completed related to Outreachy, and I’d like to give a brief overview of the functionality that was developed for this release. The primary goal of this plugin is to introduce an audit trail of various Jenkins...
The Audit Log Plugin for Jenkins is an in development project to integrate standardized audit logging trails to various core actions in Jenkins. This project integrates the recently released Apache Log4j Audit library to allow for a vast array of possible audit logging destinations and configuration. We began this plugin not long after Log4j Audit 1.0.0 was released last year by partnering with Outreachy where we...
Over the past three months, I have been mentoring two Outreachy interns, David and Latha, with my co-mentor, Jeff Thompson. Our project was to introduce a standardized way for creating an audit log of Jenkins and plugins using Apache Log4j Audit. While this type of feature is addressed by other existing plugins, there is no unifying way for plugins to contribute their own actions. This project provided...
This year marks the first time the Jenkins project is participating in Outreachy. Outreachy is a program similar to Google Summer of Code (GSoC) where interns work on open source projects for a paid stipend. The key difference is that Outreachy reaches out to underrepresented groups and those who face systemic bias or discrimination in the technology industry in their home country. Once I learned about this...
SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. Visit us at the Jenkins booth!