Last week I participated in the Jenkins & Java 10 Online Hackathon. It was my first Jenkins hackathon and I roped in Jonah Graham to do some pair-programming. The hackathon featured JDK Project Jigsaw committers Mandy Chung and Paul Sandoz, as well as Jenkins creator Kohsuke Kawaguchi. It was a great opportunity for me to learn a lot about Jenkins and Java 10. Why Java 10? With the Java 8 EoL data looming, the...
This week we have a Jenkins & Java 10 Online Hackathon. This is an open online event, where we work together on Jenkins core and plugins in order to find and fix compatibility issues, share experiences and have some fun. Everybody is welcome to join, independently of their Jenkins experience and amount of time they have available. After the kick off on Monday Jenkins contributors have been working on Java...
Please refer to Installing Jenkins documentation to have the up-to-date details on how to run Jenkins on Java 11. Guidelines in this blogpost are rendered obsolete by the Java 11 Support Preview Availability announcement on Dec 13, 2018 and by the Java 11 GA release on Sep 25, 2018. See the Java support page for up-to-date information about running Jenkins with Java 11. The Jenkins project also no longer...
On behalf of the Jenkins Events Team, I would like to invite you to the “Jenkins & Java 10 Online Hackathon” which will take place from June 18th to 22nd. We will be working together on Jenkins core and plugins in order to find and fix compatibility issues, share experiences and have some fun. Everybody is welcome to join, independently of their Jenkins experience and amount of time...
SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. Visit us at the Jenkins booth!